Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Temperate Fever

As a transplant to this wonderful slice of heaven the German's named San Diego, I have come to notice a variety of differences between living here and living in the precursor to an Ice Age better known as New England. Many of the differences can be spotted by any observer such as driving ability, concept of time, and awareness of surroundings. Some however, are much more difficult to ascertain ( i.e.Native San Diegan's lean towards the sun when they stand, its true!). The one that has piqued my curiosity was what I originally assumed to be an absence of what we on the east coast call “Spring Fever”.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, “Spring Fever” is the coupling off of individuals after a long and cold winter. As the sun thaws the snow, love birds seems to come out of the wood work. It never fails that as soon as its warm enough to go outside with only one jacket on, hand holding will be as rampant as the plague in the dark ages!

Since San Diego lacks the winter season, I just assumed that Spring Fever didn't apply. What I have come to realize is that Spring Fever is an epidemic in warmer climates. Pairing off is always in full effect in sunny SoCal and without the winters to give us a break, we are exposed to couples year round. Winter is natures version of a cold shower where we take the time to think and explore our inner selves. Without it we are just a bunch of doped up teenagers cruising the strip looking for fine Betty's. Essentially we are living in a 50's high school movie.

I'm not saying all couples are bad, I know a few tolerable ones in fact, but since we lack the weather to isolate us I believe that many of us also lack the ability to be alone. If you're surrounded by couples all the time then you start thinking about becoming a couple yourself, and that's how they get you!

I am used to hearing about people suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD....weak) so maybe there is a bizarro version that affects us out here on the west coast. I will call it Seasonal Phasic Affliction Control Emulating Yearning Syndrome or SPACEYS for short. Now that you have been classified, we can work on a cure.

There are many differences between the two locations varying largely due to climate but that doesn't mean we can't all get a long. Maybe San Diego will get its cold shower one day I just hope I am not here to experience it. Although I do miss all the SAD people back on my home glacier, I think dealing with the SPACEYS out here is just a little bit easier...

1 comment:

Erik Stone said...

So it's your fault. All this talk about a cold shower and then we get one. Coincedence, I think not.