Monday, December 22, 2008


I'm going to take my lead from Christine's blog this morning and write about a dream I had last night. Normally I forget my dreams but hours later I am still haunted by some of these images...

I find myself amid a forest of concrete and metal giants. They're vertical hold on the sky so complete that no rays of sunshine reveal the infinite expanse above. I can see shadows moving in the windows of these urban leviathans but the streets are devoid of any sound or flicker. Feeling an expanding loneliness I drift through the transparent portal and find myself in a peaceful yet bustling lobby. No one seems to notice me as I digest the ghost like clamor around me so I make sure to take my time and try to put some kind of rationality to this phantom of my subconscious.
With a record's skip I am suddenly walking up a mass network of ramps and stairs. The walls bleed the same eerie calm I felt in the lobby so I can only assume I have begun to explore. There are people in every direction but they are all moving with me. We are debris in a river whose current is carrying us to an inevitable direction that becomes more frightful with every silent step.
Our pace flutters for a minute as we pass through a gate of shiny steel and glass. I am outside staring at the faces of the buildings that appeared so epic from the ground. Less intimidating now my curiosity is replaced by hesitance. We are miles above the earth, now part of the sky. A dream sought after by imaginations since the dawn of our species yet I feel my feet begin to drag as if with every step forward the concrete was holding me back.
On the top of this man made achievement I find a finely trimmed grass field. The size of a football field it makes the magnitude of the building that much more impressive. My fellow lemmings seems to be dispersing throughout the field, awaiting some display or entertainment. I feel a gentle hand fold itself into mine and we begin to walk forward. I am now with a group of 4. Their faces familiar but unrecognizable. The vision holding my hand wears a smile that is both beautiful and frightening. Her eyes seem to hold a terrible secret that pushes her tears to the brink. Is she my hope or my fear?
We approach the edge of the field and the ground begins to drip down towards the earth as water falls from a cliff. It is at this moment that I feel an icy spectral grip around my heart. Every exhale a frosty chill. My love's hand has abandoned me and with nothing to keep my mind on the ground I close my eyes.
A silent echo tears through my soul, shattering the fragile barrier between calm and panic. I begin to fall. An eternity passes by in a flash of lighting. I am beyond my perceptions, beyond reality, beyond fear or hope. I reach out is desperation to return to my surroundings. To grab something familiar and contain this sensation. To make myself feel small again.
Finally I manage to grab a patch of grass. In an instant that feeling is gone. I open my eyes and I am in my bed. My knuckles are white from grabbing onto my pillow, the only physical evidence of my ordeal. In my heart and mind I can still feel that icy calm that had me so petrified. My worst fear brought to bear on my very essence. I hate Mondays...

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