Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Soul's Revival

As I begin to write I can hear the echoing words of an elderly gentlemen reciting that old adage "Why back in my day..." aluding to a simpler and more imaginative time. Knowledge had to be learned and digested rather than googled. Music was discussed and analyzed rather than downloaded in bulk. Art, in all its forms, could be held and appreciated rather than clicked on. It is in this simplicity that I believe we have begun to neglect our creative spark.
We have had to sacrifice our desire for expression to the banality of fiscal responsibility. Artists have always battled the ever growing trivial exsistence that the majority of us suffer through day after day. Their passion can be admired or mocked, revered or ridiculed, embraced or discarded. Yet they fight on keeping our imaginations alive. I envy them in their ability to follow their passion and not be bogged down by the incessant commonality that pulls at us like the hands of a needy child.
We must reclaim our spirit and imagination. Step back from the world or actualities and see the endless possibilities that are truly before us. Throw off the bromidic shackles and embrace you're creative thoughts. Express yourself without judgment or recourse. Paint a picture, learn an instrument, take a photograph. All we can do is hope to balance out our logial and creative minds to achieve a sense of balance without losing what makes us individuals.

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