Monday, November 17, 2008

A Quiet Storm - 2006 Smoking Loon Cabernet

Just the name itself brings me back to autumn nights spent staring across a placid lake. With the first enchanting aroma, I can feel a cool breeze coming across the open water barely disturbing the mirror image of the full moon. Though grown far from my home, this wine brings me right back to my roots.

Smoking Loon as an almost over whelming sense of rich juicy berries combined with the scent that precedes a storm. This refreshing but powerful combination boldly takes over your taste buds in a triumphant symphony of flavor. A more tactile description would me 1,000 delicate fingers grasping your tongue in a warm embrace. Its western heritage infused with sweet tastes brings us back to cool evenings spent in quiet contemplation of life around us.

An excellent accompaniment to any strongly flavored meats such as fillets, split chicken, or even duck. The power of this wine quickly subdues simpler plates but that isn't to say they are not enhanced by it. This is a bold, unforgiving wine with its own identity and must be treated as such.

However, its strength belies the clarity of its underlying compliments. Though powerful, this wine can be enjoyed by almost any red enthusiast. The juiciness of a zin, the earthiness of a cab, and sweetness of a pinot all rolled into one simple package. I enjoyed my final glass while staring up at a twinkling sky over shadowed by a moon barely into its waning phase. Though far from home, this wine has sent me back to those carefree nights and insightful thoughts that we all seek in this constant turmoil we call life. Sometimes we just need a minute to stop and breathe. Delicious.

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